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Thursday, 15 September 2016

Mega menu for mobile off-canvas

<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="menubar/jquery.mmenu.all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="menubar/jquery.mmenu.min.all.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var jq = jQuery.noConflict();
    jq(function() {

.nav { background:#9f0f1a; line-height:40px; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing:border-box; width:70%; height:40px; padding:0 0px; display:block; position:fixed; top:0; left:0; z-index:9999999999 !important; border-right:1px #6c040c solid;}
.nav a {background:url(../images/nav-icon.png) no-repeat 10px 10px; display:block; width:auto; height:40px; float:left; padding-left:40px; font-size:13px; font-weight:bold; color:#fff; text-decoration:none; text-transform:uppercase;}

<div class="nav"><a href="#navlinks" id="menucat">Products Categories</a></div>

<div id="navlinks1">
  <div id='left-categories1'>
      <li> <a href='list/mobilesandtablets'>Mobiles and Tablets</a>
        <div class='megamenu1'>
            <li> <a href='list/mobiles'>Mobiles <span class="ico"></span></a>
                <li><a href="list/smartphones">Smartphones</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/feature-phones">Feature Phones</a></li>
            <li> <a href='list/mobile-accessories'>Mobile Accessories <span class="ico"></span></a>
                <li><a href="list/batteries">Batteries</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/cases-covers">Cases & Covers</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/mobile-spare-parts">Mobile Spare Parts</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/screen-guards">Screen Guards</a></li>
            <li> <a href='list/bluetooth-devices'>Bluetooth Devices<span class="ico"></span></a>
                <li><a href="list/bluetooth-devices">Bluetooth Speakers</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/bluetoothheadphone">Headphones</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/bluetoothheadsets">Headsets</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/stereo-headsets">Stereo Headsets</a></li>
            <li> <a href='list/headphones-headsets-earphones'>Headphones And Headsets And Earphones<span class="ico"></span></a>
                <li><a href="list/carchargers">Earphones</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/earphones">Car Kits</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/headphones">Headphones</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/headsets">Headsets</a></li>
            <li><a href='list/memory-cards'>Memory Cards <span class="ico"></span></a></li>
            <li><a href='list/on-the-go-pendrives'>On-the-Go Pendrives <span class="ico"></span></a></li>
            <li><a href='list/tablets'>Tablets <span class="ico"></span></a></li>
            <li> <a href='list/all-other-essentials'>All Other Essentials <span class="ico"></span></a>
                <li><a href="list/chargers">Chargers</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/cleaning-kits">Cleaning Kits</a></li>
                <li><a href="list/docks-stands">Docks And Stands</a></li>

Jquery Show Less and More Content

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">

<title>Jquery Show Less and More Content</title>
<meta name="description" content=""/>
<meta name="keywords" content=""/>

<script src=""></script>
$(function() {
var showTotalChar = 200, showChar = "Show (+)", hideChar = "Hide (-)";
$('.show').each(function() {
var content = $(this).text();
if (content.length > showTotalChar) {
var con = content.substr(0, showTotalChar);
var hcon = content.substr(showTotalChar, content.length - showTotalChar);
var txt= con +  '<span class="dots">...</span><span class="morectnt"><span>' + hcon + '</span>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="" class="showmoretxt">' + showChar + '</a></span>';
$(".showmoretxt").click(function() {
if ($(this).hasClass("sample")) {
} else {
return false;

.body{padding:0; margin:0;}
.main_ctnt {
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    margin: 100px;
    padding: 15px;
    width: 650px;
.show {
    font:normal 15px arial;
    text-align: justify;
    padding: 15px 0 0 0;
.morectnt span {
display: none;
.showmoretxt {
    font: bold 15px tahoma;
    text-decoration: none;

    <div class="main_ctnt">
<div class="show">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna tellus, vulputate in feugiat vel, auctor at ipsum. Curabitur imperdiet orci eget congue malesuada. Vestibulum gravida mi sed facilisis elementum. Phasellus sed eros nulla. Proin porta aliquam tristique. Suspendisse tincidunt augue eget nulla luctus porta. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec magna tellus, vulputate in feugiat vel, auctor at ipsum. Curabitur imperdiet orci eget congue malesuada. Vestibulum gravida mi sed facilisis elementum. Phasellus sed eros nulla. Proin porta aliquam tristique. Suspendisse tincidunt augue eget nulla luctus porta.</div>


Radio button css

<!DOCTYPE html>


<head lang="en">

<meta charset="UTF-8">

<title>awesome bootstrap checkbox demo</title>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap.css"/>

<link rel="stylesheet" href="../bower_components/Font-Awesome/css/font-awesome.css"/>

.radio label {display: inline-block;position: relative; padding-left: 5px; }
.radio label::before {content: "";position: absolute; width: 17px;height: 17px;left: 0; margin-left: -20px;border: 1px solid #cccccc; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #fff;}
.radio label::after {display: inline-block; position: absolute; content: " "; width: 11px; height: 11px; left: 3px; top: 3px; margin-left: -20px; border-radius: 50%; background-color: #009C71; -webkit-transform: scale(0, 0); -ms-transform: scale(0, 0); -o-transform: scale(0, 0); transform: scale(0, 0); }
.radio input[type="radio"] { opacity: 0;   z-index: 1; }
.radio input[type="radio"]:checked + label::after { -webkit-transform: scale(1, 1); -ms-transform: scale(1, 1); -o-transform: scale(1, 1);    transform: scale(1, 1); } { margin-top: 0; }



<div class="radio radio-info radio-inline">

<input type="radio" id="test" value="option1" name="radioInline" checked>

<label for="test"> Checked </label>


<div class="radio radio-inline">

<input type="radio" id="test2" value="option2" name="radioInline">

<label for="test2"> Test </label>




Clip Image

.container {
  position: relative;
#clip {
  position: absolute;
  clip: rect(0, 300px, 200px, 0);
  /* clip: shape(top, right, bottom, left); NB 'rect' is the only available option */
    height: 150px;
    overflow: hidden;

.siteHeader .siteLogo{
    margin: -0px;
<div class="container">
  <img src="cooking3.jpg" width="400"/>
<div class="container">
  <img id="clip" src="cooking3.jpg" width="400"/>
<header class="siteHeader">
    <img src="taskbob/images/1.jpg" class="siteLogo" />